Wapda Emergency Helpline
Whenever you face any issues regarding Electricity or Power Failure in your area, don’t panic. Don’t feel yourself in trouble. You did not need to find any reference to get your issue solved.
It is very easy nowadays. The government has introduced the WAPDA emergency helpline, LESCO Help Line or Electricity Compliant Number 118. It is a toll-free number and 24/7. Or you can send an SMS to 8118. You can register any complaint against power supply failure or meter defects in your area.
It is a specially designed emergency number, you can call it 24 hours and 7 days a week. It is always in working condition. All calls at this number are recorded and their feedback is taken regularly. If we call this number, our complaint is registered and employee response is recorded.
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How Wapda Emergency Helpline Works
You need to follow the following procedure and your complaint will be lodged in the WAPDA System.
- Dial the WAPDA Help Line 118
- Press 1 ( one ) to select Urdu as a medium of communication and 0 ( Zero ) to talk with the Representative
- When connected with a representative, tell him/her your Reference Number written on your Bill
- Lodge your complaint about your issue related to WAPDA, it may be a load-shedding or meter-related issue
- Mostly, we can use it to complain about un-scheduled load-shedding and tell the representative about the duration for which electricity is not coming.
- The representative will forward your complaint to your relevant office and will send a complaint number via SMS.
- You need to save this complaint number and will use it in tracing the status of your complaint
Response Time of Wapda Emergency Helpline
Its response time is about 24 hours. It means when you register a complaint on 118 about unscheduled load shedding or electricity outage due to any fault, they are bound to fix it within 24 hours.
Moreover, their performance regarding this is recorded and they need to fix it as soon as possible.
However, its response time can be decreased or can be fast-tracked if more complaints are lodged with it from the same locality. This issue will be highlighted and officers will solve it on earliest.
There is no option about not solving our complaints registered through this number. When we complain about this number, it becomes the top priority of officials to resolve the issue as soon as possible.
If you want to read more about Complaints you can visit our page about complaints
Follow Up
The representative will call you and inquire about your complaint status, and whether your electricity is restored or not. They will keep calling you until you tell them your issue is resolved.
If you are not satisfied with the response and response time of officials, you can send an SMS to 8118. It will get an immediate response and they are bound to give a reply about the solution to our complaint.
We can also register our complaint by sending mail to [email protected]. It is an official email address. We will get an immediate response from the receiver.
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From the above discussion, we conclude that this service is a very helpful and fast track to solve issues regarding electricity load-shedding. To make it more effective and solve your issue in minimum time increase the number of complaints.
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As the number of complaints increases, their solution time will decrease and the issue will be solved at the earliest. It highlights the issue most effectively and is solved at the earliest.
To get more information about electricity visit the official site of NEPRA
If you encounter any issues regarding the supply of electricity in future, you should utilise the emergency helpline.